Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Things you should consider if you would love to stay healthy when older

Many of the health problems of middle and old ages, including high blood pressure, stroke, and heart diseases result from the way they lived their life when younger – what they ate, drank, and smoked when younger. Your chances of living and staying healthy longer are greater if you consider these:
1. Eating well:
      Eat good food; enough nutritious foods; complement meals with fruits so as to supply necessary nutrients.

2. Do not drink a lot of alcoholic drinks:
   If at all you must take alcohol, avoid huge intake; aside from developing a drinking problem such as low-self esteem, depression, anxiety or mood problem, there are several health problems associated with drinking such as Anaemia, Cirrhosis, Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Dementia, Gout, Seizures, Alcoholic neuropathy/Nerve damage.

3. Do not smoke:
     Everyone is aware of the potential catastrophic effect of smoking. It is better not to start at all, but the sooner a smoker quits, the better. Because the damage caused by smoking is cumulative, the longer a person smokes, the greater the risk of developing a smoking-related disease, such as lung cancer or heart disease. Quitting not only saves money, but also has added health benefits.

4. Be physically and mentally active:
     Exercise your body regularly and stay mentally active. Exercising doesn’t necessarily mean running/jogging/cycling round your immediate surroundings; taking a walk to a store/shop or even your working place depending on the distance. Exercise also aids better sleep.

5. Try to get enough rest and sleep.
6. Learn how to relax and deal positively with things that worry or upset you.
7. Learn to always put on a smile.

8. Drink more water: 2-3 litres of water per day isn’t too much for the body system.

9. Regular self-examination: Learn to always check your blood pressure, sugar level, weight and so on regularly as this could reveal your health status.

10. Relax: Relaxation reduces blood pressure and helps reduce stress-related conditions such as depression. A relaxation technique such as yoga or meditation can help reduce stress levels.

© Afolabi Adebayo
Afolabi Adebayo otherwise known as Afolabibayor is an health enthusiast, a blogger and a student of the great Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU.