Friday, 10 February 2017


 For I stand still,
As the scorching sun faints into dusk
The moon rays festers frivolously
The beautiful sky starts to melt
At the sound of your feet, my dear

For I stand still,
As the earth revolves around you
My heart thumps more rapidly
My breath goes deeper
At the tone of your voice, my love

Don’t be mistaken,
They are not in awe of you my dear
They are terrified that you’ve awaken
From the forty winks of last night’s alcohol
And of the bellows that perturbed their peace

Don’t be mistaken,
I am not falling for you my love
I am in fright that you’ll go out today
And like other days you’ll come home boozed
And thrash me for the loss you incurred

© Yinka Taiwo


Yinka Taiwo is a writer, poet, and a blogger. She is a final year student of mass communication at Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Osun state. She authored a poetry series "We are 5 women" (a series on domestic violence and abuse against women), she won the award for Best Writer (Costus award) Yinka Taiwo has also collaborated with different authors on a series of inspirational and motivational books. You can reach her at her website

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